Chairman's Message

One of the noble ways of serving nations is through education as gathering knowledge has been a never ending endeavor of mankind. Education is the most effective way in which the society makes sure that knowledge is continuously transferred from generation to generation. Education improves the quality of life in every society and knowing so, it is our duty to ensure that our knowledge is shared to better serve the community. So far, there has been a significant investment in providing higher levels of education through graduation and diploma courses. But given the fact that most of the higher level ideas are achieved and sustained by means of implementation through personnel with vocational skills, there is an urgent need for skilled workforce in the industries.

We established Vector Training Center to bridge gaps between higher education and the requirements of the industries through various vocational courses tailored to meet stringent skills. We have worked in close coordination with the market to design engineering courses answering the demand of Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical disciplines.

We are confident that our vision of serving nations through quality vocational education will ensure that our institute becomes one of the finest institutes in the UAE.


Vector Training Center © 2024